My friend John from DePauw has a new blog that's far more entertaining than mine. John lives in Chicago with his poodle, Mr. Fluffers. (Ok, only half of that is true.)

Parsons now has his own stand-alone blog covering his adventures in teaching, gaming and sports-watching.

I try to make these little graphs flow together, but it's hard when you are adding things to the top... Regardless, Jake and his wife, Emilie maintain a blog called Pop Culture, Reviewed. That's not to be confused with Shepherd's Pop Culture Review.

The blogs are multiplying. Looks like Craig has one too.

My old buddy and pal Scott Shepherd just started up a Web site. It includes a blog about himself and a blog about celebrities.

My friend T-Ball is one of the crack designers at the Mercury News er, the Wisconsin the Indianapolis Star. He also maintains a far more interesting blog.

Dave Tieche moved to San Jose a couple years ago. We went to college together and he worked on the newspaper with me. Since he is my friend, obviously he is married. His wife's name is Nicole.

Dave's three-peat ex-roommate, Jon Fortt, also worked on our newspaper and now he is a big-time reporter for the Mercury News. Jon and Dave used share an apartment down the street from me in San Jose. At DePauw, they also shared an apartment down the street from me. Come to think of it, the summer I worked in South Carolina they also shared a place together... down the street... from me... I need to get a restraining order.

Jeff Mohl is a friend of mine from DePauw. His Web site also shamelessly promotes himself. Much like my own...

One of my former roommates from DePauw, Jeremy Seitz, has a Web site with a bunch of camping photos on it.

And then there is Delta Chi's Web site, but it doesn't seem to work. My fraternity also has a Yahoo! Group, but you need a password to access it and I'm going to guess you don't have one. So that probably doesn't do you any good.

Ben Everson's Web site is just a bunch of links. How lame. Regardless, he was another friend of mine from DePauw. We worked on the newspaper together. Well, actually, Jeff and Jeremy did too. But I forgot to mention that before.

I didn't go to school with Troy Cummings, but at least his Web site works. And it's pretty slick at that. It has fun games, drawings and all kinds of neat stuff! Troy went to DePauw but graduated before I got there. He also used to work at our newspaper. So check out his Web site. This game's pretty fun. I mean, I played it.

Going to Vegas? Visit my friend Matt Keppler. He has all of John Tesh's CDs. Really.

I'd say that Jason Anders has a lame Web site, but at least he has something. Still, even his dog has a better Web site. Anders used to live in a hotel in New Jersey. Now he has his own house there.

My friend Matt Dellinger used to work for our school newspaper. He was a pretty smart one so now he is the online editor for the New Yorker. He used to be in a band called Rooster. He also has earned the ire of Team Onion Softball.

My buddy Jessie used to maintains a functioning Web site. Now she doesn't. Suck.

Another friend of mine from DePauw has a blog, but I'm not going to tell you who she is. Maybe if you read some of the entries you can figure it out.

And here's another DePauw friend with an anonymous blog, so you'll have to figure that one out for yourself too. Hey, Columbo. It's not that hard.

Cassie Trueblood used to work on The DePauw with me. She and her husband PJ Little have a Web site. They live in Seattle. He works for Microsoft on their .Net project. He and his co-workers will soon own your soul.

Why Scott Weaver didn't have a Web site sooner, I will never know. He, again, used to work on The DePauw with me and now lives inside the Beltway.

Another buddy of mine is Kevin. He used to have a Web site called Wendtly.com. Of course, this one doesn't work anymore, so I thought that would be a fitting end to this page. Man, a lot of my friends have Web sites. That could also be read "a lot of my friends are geeks."