"Freshies in the pow-pow."
- Jaclyn, using the skier slang for fresh runs in powder

- Jaclyn (liftie is skiier slang for a lift operator)

- Troy, referring to a snowboarder

"Sick powder."
- Mohl, trying out some skier slang

"I hate the stupid monkey!"
- Troy while playing Monkey Balls. Don't ask.

"Let's get yogurt!"
- Teen Girl Squad

"You're living on a cloud now!"
- Sprocket

"Why should I be nervous? Nothing can go wrong that a divorce court can't fix."
- A friend of mine, hours before he was married

"I did not achieve this position in life by having some snot-nosed punk leave my cheese out in the wind."
- Ed Roonie, in Ferris Beuller's Day Off

"Did they check your doughnuts?"
- Jessie, commenting on new security measures at the Merc

"This city blows."
- Kevin, giving his take on Los Angeles

"Class class class-a-roo."
- Kenney

"I'd like a Mudslide without alcohol."
"Well ma'am. That's pretty much chocolate milk."

- Exchange at a pool bar

"The Stick"
- nickname

"This place is great, isn't it?"
- T-Ball, on the Pointe South Mountain Resort

"Dude, where's my shuttle?"
- T-Ball, waiting for the hotel shuttle

"I know what you're lookin' at."
- Hoover Dam security guard

"Phoenix baby. Phoenix."
- Kenney

"Journalism? Well that ain't shit."
- Unemployed gentleman in Vegas men's room

"Dude, don't put that on the list."
- Kenney

- Kevin

"We are so the Rat Pack"
- Kenney

"You f..."
- Kevin

"Mista! Mista!"
- from Happy Gilmore

"Vegas baby, Vegas."
- from Swingers